• My ultimate goal is to achieve nationwide recognition with my company and our great team. I strive to be my best in everything I do, using the knowledge I've gained through successes and failures. My biggest achievement was earning a certification in welding. This opened my eyes to the possibilities that are available when you put your mind to it. Welding also allowed me to work with the Naval Services to provide better living conditions on their ships.

    If I could pick a superpower: I wish I had the power to make people be the best version of themselves.

  • As a graphic designer and jack-of-all-trades marketing (self proclaimed) guru, I find challenges to be a key factor for my motivation. To grow and learn in more satisfying than money and that’s why I enjoy working with the team here at Camvie. When a company has a human element to their work, enjoy servitude, and are willing to do their best to create a positive and loving work environment, it speaks to my soul, my goals, and my personal purpose.

    If I could pick a superpower I would want to have the power to let them see the silver lining in all situations.

  • As a graphic designer and jack-of-all-trades marketing (self proclaimed) guru, I find challenges to be a key factor for my motivation. To grow and learn in more satisfying than money and that’s why I enjoy working with the team here at Camvie. When a company has a human element to their work, enjoy servitude, and are willing to do their best to create a positive and loving work environment, it speaks to my soul, my goals, and my personal purpose.

    If I could pick a superpower I would want to have the power to let them see the silver lining in all situations.